Last updated:February 16, 2020

Getting Started

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Social Display Pictures is a viral photo sharing script. If you post motivational, inspiration & wise quotes regularly on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram then you need this script. With Social Display Pictures script, you can create a website for your visitors to download and share your memes and funny joke in image format.

You can choose to allow downloads by users only or publicly. You can all tags by users, likes by user and so on.


After unzipping the main item file, replace the logo and watermark with your identity/brand. You can find the logo in [ROOT]/themes/default/images/logo.png and the watermark in [ROOT]/files/watermark.png.
The appropraite logo size is 250px by 70px; you can choose any size for your watermark.

Upload the unzip files to the server via FTP or any medium you desire. 

Visit your site index page e.g and the script will redirect you to installation path (if the config.php file is missing)i.e

Step 1

Make sure all requirement is met and click the next button if visible. 

Step 2

Select your desire connection type and enter all database parameters; then click next.

If all database information is valid, you will NOT see this:

Step 3

Set your application preferences as desired.

If you set Friendly URL to yes, please make sure mod_rewrite is enabled on your Apache server.

Step 4

Set your access details. It's VERY IMPORTANT you remember this parameters as no remind mail is avaliable. Click FINISH to complete the installtion process.


To update [as of version 2.0], unzip the main file (, delete the install folder and the config-sample.php file in the root directory.
Change your logo and watermark as described in the installation section above, now upload to the server to override all files on the server.

P.S: Try and clear your cache in [ROOT]/themes/default/cache/ by deleting all files in the cache folder.


After successful installation, visit your administration page via [YOUR-SITE-URL]/manage/ and login.

Visit the settings page and configure your application. The settings is well explanatory enough.

You can see available help/information icon for each field (if available) beside the input tittle.

General & Image Settings

Site Title:- Set your website title

Site Tagline:- This is appended to the site/page tile with | separator.

Meta Description:- Your site description is important as well.

Meta Keywords:- Set your desire meta keywords.

Site Email Address:- Your website email address

Image Width & Height:- Deafaukt is 333x333 pixels

Thumbnail Width & Height:- Default is 250x250. It's adviseable not to change this.

Maximum Upload Size:- Range between 200KB and 2MB. Please note that the size should be in bytes. 1 Megabyte = 1,048,576 Bytes while 1 Kilobyte = 1,024 Bytes. Default is 200KB

Allowed Extensions [Mime Type]:- Comma separated. E.g gif,pjpeg,jpg,jpeg,png. No space

Watermark:- Full path to image watermark. E.g [FILES_FOLDER] /watermark.png . P.S: Replace backslash() with forward-slash(/)

Watermark Placement:- Set where to place the watermark on the image

Storage Mode:- Set your storage modeto local or AWS (CDN). You need to enter the AWS required parameters to make it work.

Local Back-up:- Not applicable to Local Storage Mode. This will leave a copy on your local storageafter upload to your CDN.

Save Clean Copy:- Store a plain uploaded copy without any watermark

User & Social Network Settings

User settings input is well expanatory and easy to set. Select yes or no to agree to the input title.

Onthe Social Network tab, enter your social network, select desire link button size.

On Page, Comments & Badge tab, you can enable and set your Facebook page and twitter  paramters.

Facebook Tab [Option A]

On Facebook tab, you need to set your Facebook App ID, Facebook App Secret and most importantly your Facebook Access Token. To enable Facebook Page Wall posting, you need to obtain non-expire Facebook Access Token:

1.Make sure you are the admin of the FB page you wish to post to.
2.Create a FB App (should be with the same user account that is the page admin)
P.S: Make sure you set you redirect uri to http://[DOMAIN.COM]/user/oauthLogin_Facebook/callback/ to allow successful login via facebook
3.Head over to the Facebook Graph API Explorer
4.  On the top, in "Application", select the app you created
5.Click "Get Access Token" then Extended Permissions
6.Make sure you add the manage_pages permission and click Get Access Token
7.Copy and convert this short-lived access token into a long-lived one by making this Graph API call:[FACEBOOK-APP-ID]&client_secret=[FACEBOOK-APP-SECRET]&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=[SHORT-LIVED-ACCESS-TOKEN]
8.Grab the new long-lived access token returned back
9.Make a Graph API call to see your accounts using the new long-lived access token:[LONG-LIVED-ACCESS-TOKEN]
10.Grab the access_token for the page you'll be pulling info from
11.Use the Access Token Debugger to see that it is set to Expires: Never!
Copy this token and paste it in Facebook Access Token input filed.
The Default Post Description input is useful for Auto-post to Facebook; with this, you can add a default message to your facebook auto post.

Facebook Tab [Option B]

On Facebook tab, you need to set your Facebook App ID, Facebook App Secret and most importantly your Facebook Access Token. To enable Facebook Page Wall posting, you need to obtain non-expire Facebook Access Token:

1.Make sure you are the admin of the FB page you wish to post to.
2.Create a FB App (should be with the same user account that is the page admin)
P.S: Make sure you set you redirect uri to http://[DOMAIN.COM]/user/oauthLogin_Facebook/callback/ to allow successful login via facebook
3.Head over to the Facebook Graph API Explorer
4.  On the top, in "Application", select the app you created
5.Click "Get Token" and select the page you want to post/publish on.
6.Copy the Short-lived Access Token generated in the input field. Make sure the page process you sselection before you copy the token. [or] You can click on the blue info icon to be sure the access token is for the selected page.
7.Copy and convert this short-lived access token into a long-lived one by making this Graph API call:[FACEBOOK-APP-ID]&client_secret=[FACEBOOK-APP-SECRET]&grant_type=fb_exchange_token&fb_exchange_token=[SHORT-LIVED-ACCESS-TOKEN]
8.Grab the new long-lived access token returned back
9.Use the Access Token Debugger to see that it is set to Expires: Never!
Copy this token and paste it in Facebook Access Token input filed.
The Default Post Description input is useful for Auto-post to Facebook; with this, you can add a default message to your facebook auto post.

Twitter Tab

To create a Twitter API credentials:
  1. Browse to: and sign in with your Twitter Account.
  2. You will be redirected to your Twitter Application Management area. Then click on "Create New App" button.
  3. Fill out the Name, Description & Website fields. Make sure you set Callback URL to http://[DOMAIN.COM]/user/oauthLogin_Twitter/callback/ 
  4. Read the "Developer Agreement" and check the "Yes I agree" box.
  5. Click "Create Your Twitter Application" button.
  6. After creating the Application, the Application Details page opens.
  7. Go to "Keys and Access Tokens" tab.
  8. Click on the "Generate Consumer Key and Secret" button.
  9. Click on the "Generate My Access Token and Token Secret" button.
  10. Copy the API Key, API Secret, Access Token and Access Token Secret values and paste into the required fileds on Twitter tab

Instagram Tab

Go to and register a new app. 
Enter all necessary details including your OAuth Redirect URI(s) which is http://[DOMAIN.COM]/user/oauthLogin_Instagram/callback/
Copy the Instagram Client ID & Instagram Client Secretand paste in appropraite input field.

Mail & Appearance Settings

You will need to get email delivery mode if you enable Send Welcome Mail to yes.As for the Appearance tab, the inputs are well explanatory and easy to configure.

Ads Banner/Codes & Appearance Settigs

You can set your desire ad slot here. Please note that some ad-slot allow flexible width and height, while some are fixed and cannot be changed. Hover your mouse on the info icon to see the help info.

Most parts of the app are self explanatory when you hover your mouse on the info button.


If you have purchased this product and you have questions, please don't send email. Support for this product is provided on the comment section on Codecanyon. Pre-sale questions are also welcome on the comment wall.